The Guarantee
There are no guaranteed outcomes of course.
Yet, I can guarantee you that the following is true:
I want good things for you.
If you aren’t benefitting from treatment, I may be the first one to let you know that. If that day comes, we can problem solve together. . .even if that means helping you find another psychologist or clinician.
I will communicate with you straightforwardly.
We may live in uncertainty, but your life and well-being are too valuable for guesswork with your healthcare providers.
You have my unconditional positive regard.
We have all been hurt in life, but I am here to help. . .for your good.
Vulnerability is often uncomfortable. . .but essential to wellbeing.
This is a safe context for you to deal with your discomfort in life.
Therapy isn’t all about pain and tears.
Chances are. . .we will do some laughing too. Yes, I said we.
Your life has purpose and value.
Whether you feel that, or believe that, or not. . . It’s true.
You have a future, and there are good things waiting for you there.
You can find that. I’ve seen people do this every day. . .for years.