Self Care & Between Sessions
Free resources and online options are widely available for these areas of focus and self-care.
Mindfulness, Meditation, & Relaxation
♦Repetition to generate a learned, relaxation response is key to effectiveness.♦
Guided meditation/imagery by Belleruth Naperstek – Available on a variety of music and media apps.
For individuals with conservative Christian views who may prefer an alternate option. “My mouth shall speak wisdom; The mediation of my heart shall be understanding.” Psalm 49:3
aka: PMR, may also benefit patients in developing relaxation abilities.
Example of a free online resource for beginners with emphasis of yoga for stress, anxiety, sleep, etc.
Self-Talk & Self-Care
Sleep Hygiene – Tips for Better Sleep
Integrative Apps & Resources – Also available as an App
Please feel free to make contact with your favorite recommended resources.
We would love to share them on this page!